Penerapan Model Evaluasi Countenance Pada Program Penilaian Kinerja Kepala Sekolah Di Halmahera Selatan

  • Hasyim Haddade Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia
  • Haryati Haryati STAI Alkhairaat Labuha, Indonesia
  • Supardi Widodo STAI Alkhairaat Labuha, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Nur Akbar Rasyid Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Evaluation Research, Countenance Stake Model, School Principal Performance Assessment Program (PKKS)


This study aims to evaluate Principal Performance Assessment Program (PKKS) conducted in the District of Bacan, South Halmahera. This evaluation research is a descriptive qualitative using the Countanance Evaluation Model. Data collection methods were observation, interviews and documents. The informants were the evaluator teams and school principal from the District of Bacan. Data were analyzed using the Stake model evaluation matrix. The results show some key findings. PKKS Program in District of Bacan has been running well because all indicators in the program implementation standards have been met, in terms of program planning, implementation and reporting. PKKS Program has advantages which are manifested in the increased performance of School Superintendents and the South Halmahera Regency Education Office. On the other hand, the program has some areas need improvement. These include instruments, evaluation focus, time constraints, and geographic condition. Finally, this study proposes several recommendations for improving the PKKS program. The program can be continued by improving the planning, instrument, standard operation procedure and evaluation focus; The local Education Office in Bacan can carry out a Scheduled Principal Strengthening Program so that it can improve its performance in the future, especially regarding the duties and functions as Principal; PKKS program should be carried out routinely and the results of the program should be regularly evaluated.


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