focus and scope

Jurnal Al-Qiyam (E-ISSN 2745-9977) is a peer-reviewed scientific open access national journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Al-Furqan. Jurnal Al-Qiyam welcomes articles on all aspects of  Islamic Education, Learning Strategy and management and increasingly complex issues confronting teacher education. These are fundamentally concerned with issues of  management in classrooms, learning strategy, school systems, and online learning. Management particularly welcomes articles that contribute to the field in the following ways: Scholarly articles reporting new empirical findings that make an original contribution to the field; Scholarly articles that make a theoretical contribution which extends and deepens our understanding of the key issues associated with leadership, management, and practice in online environments; Scholarly articles that explore alternative, critical, and re-conceptualised views of school leadership, management; Scholarly articles that provide state of the art reviews within an national or international context.