Membangun Keluarga Sakinah bagi Pasangan Long Distance Marriage (Studi Kasus pada Pasangan Suami Istri Yang Bekerja di Luar Kota)
children. This also aims to increase seriousness in seeking halal sources of livelihood and a serious sense of responsibility. Work problems are often the reason someone enters into a long-distance marriage, because financial and work demands create a long-distance relationship between husband and wife so that efforts to create a harmonious family are very necessary for the couple. The purpose of this article is to find out how the formation, influence and importance of long-distance married couples are caused by work factors, the influence and importance of creating a harmonious family. This research uses a qualitative field survey method and an online interview method using WhatsApp. Efforts to build a sakinah family by long distance marriage couples because the couple works abroad or outside the city are by building good relationship patterns, such as asking for news, maintaining communication, encouraging partners, mutual understanding, openness to each other, deliberation regarding problems or challenges for the family's future, having quality time with husband or wife and family as well as increasing worship and increasing faith.
Keywords: Building a Sakinah Family, Long Distance Marriage
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