Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Host pada Mata Pelajaran Fiqih Kelas X di MA Nuurul Haq Rumbia
This research aims to develop HOTS-based LKPD in the Fqih subject which is carried out at one of the schools, namely MA Nuurul Haq Rumbia. Students in the 21st century imagine an era of globalization that requires adequate life skills. Problem solving skills are closely related to higher order thinking or HOTS. In the 2013 Curriculum, an educator must be creative in improving the quality of the learning process and must be able to involve student activity which can maximize brain performance so that students' high-level thinking skills can be well received. This research uses the R&D (Research and Development) method with the ADDIE model. one development model used in development. The procedure for implementing this development is carried out in 5 stages, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation with a validation sheet as a data collection tool from validators and students of class x MA Nuurul Haq Rumbia. The results of this research, produces LKPD products that can be used at the MA/SMA level as teaching materials or handbooks for students that have met the very good criteria with an average score from design experts 92%, material experts 96% in the very appropriate category and the responses given by educators 84% were in the very interesting category, and 96% of small-scale trials were carried out in the very interesting category. LKPD (Learner Worksheet) teaching materials are suitable for use in the learning process.
Keywords: Developing HOTS, Learning Fiqh, Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik
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